Red Nose Day at St. John’s

Dear Parent/Carer,

RED NOSE DAY-Friday 19Th March, 2021

‘Funny is Power’

Article 39- “Children and young people have the right to recover from difficult things that happen to them, and they can expect to receive the help that allows them to do so”.

The Pupil Council have organised some activities for the children to enjoy to celebrate Red Nose Day on Friday 19th March, 2021.

We are so proud of how our pupils have managed over the past few months and thought they would like the opportunity to have some fun.

We would like the children to wear something red to school on Friday 19th March. Please do not go to any expense-Children can wear all red or just an accessory, such as a hat, hairband, scarf or socks.

The children will also be encouraged to take part in ‘Share a Smile’ by sharing jokes with their classmates prior to and on Red Nose Day. Some of these will be put on the railings outside the school.

Children can also share a smile individually at home, they can write their favourite joke on a piece of paper, put it up in their window at home, take some pictures and tag @ComicRelief, #REDNOSEDAY@StJohnsPrimHam.onTwitter

The children will also be taking part in a quiz in the class and some other fun Red Nose Day activities.

As well as taking the opportunity to be part of something positive, we will be using Red Nose Day as a learning opportunity to explore some of the issues facing young people across the world and how the money we raise can help.

This year there will be no cash collections in school. Donations, if desired (Suggested £1) can be made through our own Just Giving Page.

While there is no obligation to donate we would like all children to participate in Red Nose Day and no matter how much or little we raise, we’ll be helping change lives in the UK and across the world.

Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Yours Faithfully

Mrs Karen Prentice

Depute Head Teacher