Please takes some time to read the following information from our headteacher. There is also a letter attached from our Executive Director of Education.
16 August 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Welcome to session 21-22.
I am very much looking forward to seeing all of our children back safely to school.
I have listed below some information which I hope will be of help for the new session.
Entry and Exit to school
We are continuing with the one way system, where parents/ carers enter by the side gate and exit by the main gate onto Dixon Street.
The staggered start times for mainstream pupils will continue. Children can be dropped at the main gate between 8.45-9.15am. Any child arriving after 9.15am should come through the main entrance.
ASN classes will enter from 8.50am. Rooms 1, and 10 will enter through the front door entrance where a member of staff will be there to greet them.
All adults entering school grounds must wear a face mask, unless exempt.
The staggered finish times are as below:
Rooms 2,7,9,11 and 14 will leave through the main gate at 3pm.
Rooms 6,8,12,15 will leave through the side gate at 2.50pm.
Siblings meet in the gym hall and leave in family groups through the main gate at 2.50pm.
ASN classes will leave by the front door from 2.50pm.
Breakfast Club
Our breakfast Club will resume on Monday 16 August from 8.15-8.45am. There is no charge and all are welcome. Children should enter through the side gate, where staff will be waiting to welcome them.
Label Everything!
Please label all items of clothing, bags, lunch boxes and shoes! This means that when items are lost they can be returned to the correct owner.
Changing clothes
At present children do not need to change outdoor shoes for indoor shoes or wear a full PE kit.
On PE days children should just wear polo shirt and remove sweatshirt jumper. PE is still held outside and thus a waterproof jacket is recommended.
Once the mud kitchen is timetabled classes will be informed of their day and will be advised of appropriate items to bring- usually wellies.
Food and Drinks
Children are encouraged to bring a small snack and water/ diluting juice to drink over the day. Water bottles can be refilled in classes. There is fruit available from the dining hall if a child wants it.
Milk should be ordered and paid for through ParentPay and is collected by the child in the dining room. A letter with all ParentPay details will be issued next week.
School lunches also should be paid through ParentPay. Children will be given the choices for each day and can order their selection in the morning.
Children can bring packed lunches and all parents/ carers are reminded that the school has children who are allergic to nuts and ask that no food is sent which contain nuts- especially a particular chocolate spread.
Once the children are registered next week an information pack will be sent out.
I look forward to this being a more settled year and thank you in advance for all your support in adhering to all of the guidelines to keep us all safe.
Yours faithfully,
Alison Hope.