Primary 1 – 3 Return to School Update

Letter from Headteacher

17 February 2021

Dear Parent/ Carer,

We are very pleased to be able to have Primary 1-Primary 3 children returning to school on Monday 22 February.

There are a few changes to daily routines, which we hope will keep all safe in and out of the school building.

Dropping off

Children can be dropped off at the main school gate to enter the playground from 8.45-9.15am.

All adults entering the school grounds must wear a face covering and remain 2m away from other adults at all times.

Please remember that we have a one way system in operation as before around our entry and exit to the school grounds.

Our School Support Staff are in the playground from 8.45am onwards, any children dropped off before this time will be without adult supervision.


To allow for greater distancing between adults at the school gates there are some changes to collection points and times as below.

Room Collection Point Time
Room 2 Side gate 2.50pm
Room 3 Main entrance 2.50pm
Room 5 Main entrance 3.00pm
Room 6 Side gate 3.00pm
Room 7 Main gate 2.50pm
Room 8 Main gate 3.00pm

ASN Transport

Children who receive ASN transport will continue to do so.

Mainstream Transport

The school bus will collect and drop off at Philips Wynd as before.

There is no requirement for distancing between children but we have split up our playground into specific areas where children can play with children within their own classroom.

Lunches will start from 12.00 with each class coming to the dining hall as the previous group have finished and the tables cleaned.

These arrangements will be reviewed regularly to take account of all guidance.

Primary 4 -Primary 7 children will remain at home and continue to learn through Google Classroom.

All Primary 4 – Primary 7 Meets for Mainstream children are at 9.30am and ASN at 9.20am.

Parents of children who are in P3/4 composite classes have been contacted and arrangements made to ensure that they continue to learn.

Primary 4s in Room will be taught by Mrs Jamieson.

Primary 4s in ASN will join together for one Google classroom with Mr Ewart and Mrs Carle.

We are very much looking forward to welcoming some of our children back and hope it will not be too long until we receive further advice from the First Minister on the return of our older classes.

I want to thank all of our families for your very much-valued support during this challenging time.

Best wishes,

Alison Hope.

February Break and In-set Day 8th-10th February- Updated Information from SLC

Arrangements and Revised Criteria for Key Workers on these Dates

As you know, St. John’s will be closed to all pupils on the 8th, 9th and 10th February. South Lanarshire have asked us to share the criteria and arrangements they have put in place for specific key workers.

Please open the document below for more information.

Updated Key Worker Enrolment Form

Please complete and return the attached form if you require Key Worker child-care places for the coming two weeks.

Please note that St. John’s will be closed for all children on the 8th, 9th and 10th February due to local holidays and an In-set day.

South Lanarkshire have made the following announcement in respect to the days schools are closed.

“Places are available for a limited number of children on these days at central Hubs throughout South Lanarkshire. Places will be limited and we would expect that most parents will use annual leave or make alternative childcare arrangements during this holiday period.  We have therefore reviewed the criteria for these three days of childcare to ensure that only the most critical keyworkers involved in directly supporting the COVID-19 response and other targeted emergency/critical services will be considered for placement.

A google application form is being finalised and the analysis of applications and allocation of places will be undertaken centrally”.

We will inform families of more details when they become available.

Enrolling your child for school Infant enrolment week – January 2021

Registration of children starting school – Is your child due to start school in August 2021? 

Parents/carers of children who are five years of age between 1 March 2021 and the end of February 2022 are required to register their child for starting school.

To enrol your child at school you will be asked to complete an online registration form which will be available from Thursday 14 January 2021.