Please take some time to open and read our latest school newsletter.
Parent Consultation Phone calls
Please take the time to open and read the document below, which gives you information on how the school will be consulting with parents in the current Covid-19 environment.
Easy Fundraising Search Engine
Please take some time to open and read the link below telling you about our Easy Fundraising Search Engine which has been set up by our Parent Council. Every time you purchase an item, having used this facility, money is donated to the school.
Winter Lunch Menu
Please take some time to open and read the updated Winter Menu for school lunches.
October – December Parent/Carer Information Sheet
Please take some time to open and read the attached information sheet, highlighting some procedures and events we have planned for the school.
Letter from NHS Lanarkshire
Please take time to open and read the letter below from NHS Lanarkshire. A positive case of Covid-19 was identified within our school. Careful track and trace procedures have been undertaken under the guidance and direction of NHS Lanarkshire and senior education managers. In order to minimise the risk of any spread of the infection, targeted pupils and members of staff have been asked to self isolate for the appropriate period.
School Newsletter
Please take some time to open and read our latest newsletter.
Google Classroom Instructions
Please find attached instructions to allow you and your children to access Google Classroom. The first set of instructions work for most PCs and computers.
I have also made instructions for Chromebooks and Android phones, both of which need a bit of setting up before trying to log in.
Re-arranged Inset Day
Dear Parent/Carer
Re-scheduled in-service day.
I am writing to let you know that the 2nd in-service day for schools across South Lanarkshire has been agreed as follows:
· Tuesday, 29 September 2020
You may recall that the original schedule was to begin the new term with two in-service days, but this had to be changed to one day given the Scottish Government announcement that pupils would begin to return to school from Wednesday 12 August 2020.
The other 3 in-service days remain unchanged giving us 5 in total:
· Monday, 16 November 2020
· Wednesday, 10 February 2021
· Thursday, 6 May 2021
The setting of holiday dates for schools in Scotland requires pupils to attend school for 190 days each year with teachers required to work 195 days, which includes 5 in-service days.
I hope that by sharing this information it will give you some time to plan for these dates when children are not at school.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Hope
School Transport
New Rules on Face Coverings
Dear Parent/Carer
Face Coverings Update – Primary Schools
As you may be aware the Scottish Government announced changes to the wearing of face coverings in schools and on school transport. These changes will be implemented from 31 August 2020.
This means that from Monday all pupils aged 5 and over will be expected to wear a face covering on school transport, just as they already do on public transport.
Unlike secondary schools, there is no requirement for primary pupils to wear face coverings during the school day, unless they choose to do so.
We understand that some children may not be able to wear a face covering due to an underlying health condition or additional support need. This may be something that could change over time if the opportunity of individual support was provided to the young person to assist in overcoming any potential barriers to wearing a face covering. Any parents wishing to consider this should contact the school.
We appreciate that children may feel more comfortable in using their own face coverings however please be assured that a supply of re-usable face coverings will be available within school if required.
The safety and wellbeing of children, young people and staff is paramount and your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.
Yours sincerely
Head Teacher