Please take time to open and read the attached letter from Tony McDaid, Director of Education
Important Update
SLC have advised that school will be open Monday 23 March and Tuesday 24 March from 9am- 3pm in the first instance to the children of Category 1 key workers only.
Category 1 Key workers:
- Health and Care workers supporting Covid and associated staff.
- Health and Care workers supporting life threatening emergency work
- Critical primary and community care provision
- Energy suppliers
- Staff providing childcare for other category staff. (i.e. teachers, and all other school staff including facilities)
If your occupation is listed above and you require childcare on Monday and Tuesday, please email the school office as soon as possible.
Please do not call as we are currently dealing with a high number of calls.
Please include in your email:
- Your child/children’s names and class
- Your full name
- Your role within Category 1 descriptions.
If your child is entitled to a free school meal, lunch will be available from 12.30-1.15pm on Monday and Tuesday in the first instance.
To allow catering staff to prepare food please email the school office to request a lunch.
At this point, we are unable to provide details of the lunch choices.
Thank you for your continued support and good wishes.
Communication with Families During School Closure
Over the period when the school is closed, we will communicate with families through the School App and through the school website.
In addition we will send a GLOW email to each child on Monday 23rd March to let them know of any work/activities available to the children.
The initial email will have a link which will take them to their class work folder. There will also be a link to a whole school folder with useful activities any class can browse and access.
Please note that this email service is provided only to give families information from school. Can you please remind your children that this should never be used for communicating with friends or teachers. By doing this, we will keep the communication channel clutter free, so messages from school are clear and easily accessible.
If families wish to contact the school they can email the headteacher or a member of the school senior management team. We will endeavour to read your email and respond during the hours of a normal school working day.
If you do not know how to access GLOW at home, please click on the link below for instructions.
If your child has been absent and you do not have their GLOW sign in details, please email the school and we will get them to you.
You can also email if you would like information about downloading the school App.
Please use the following email,
Many thanks for your understanding and support at this unique time in the school’s history.
School Newsletter
Please take the time to open and read our latest School Newsletter.
January Newsletter
Please take some time to click and open our January Newsletter.
Developing our Outdoor Area
Please take some time to click and open our Outdoor Play Newsletter.
Infant Enrolment
If you have a child due to start school in August 2020, please contact the school office and arrange an appointment to enrol your child in St. John’s.
Parents must bring child’s full birth certificate (abbreviated version cannot be accepted) and two proofs of residence within the school catchment area. This can be documents such as utility bills, council tax bills or proof of child benefit.
We look forward to welcoming you and your child next week.
Parking Letter
Christmas Lunch Menu
Please take time to open and read our Christmas Lunch Menu.
This will be available on Wednesday 11th December.